Welcome! + About Me


Farm Life has been my Dream Life for my Entire Life.

The journey has led me here for now—in a small old house on 2 acres outside of town. I became obsessed with homesteading, hobby farming, urban gardening; then DIY, and serious home-ownership. I know a lot of people share these passions and these interests. I’m exciting to share with like-minded folks.

I am a small sized, single female and I’m going to try every project I can, and share the process unedited! I purchased an old broken small home on 2 acres (wooded acres! hahaha terrible!) and want to turn it into a “Quaint Cottage on a Working Homestead.” Mmmnn, Yummy, right?  I hope to bring inspiration, education, rationale, and entertainment to those who join me. Laugh your @$$ off whilst learning from my mistakes! YAY! So please come! I sure could use the moral support! And I always welcome input, info, advice, laughs and hello’s!

Photos throughout time:

(photos not in chronological order) 

A Brief History

Born and raised in the “Holy City” aka Charleston, South Carolina; my comrades and I were cursed and blessed to be exposed to the polar extremes of almost every version of thought, life, and idea. It makes for a wise fool :-)

See a pattern? Cursed/blessed, wise/fool; we were imbued with ancient wisdom and modern-day ineptitude; very dual! ey?


  • Vet Medicine—i am in training right now!

  • Farm Life—my love for it began when i was a toddler. still working to get there

  • Homestead/homesteading/homesteader mentality

  • Simple Happiness—the purest form.

    • the inspired smile when you see a bumble bee hard at work.

    • role-playing achievement or success into others’ lives: letting people believe they taught you something, or surprised you, or impressed you with something. DO IT. they aren’t going to think you’re cool and smart when you burst their cool story; they’re just going to feel uncomfortable and vaguely undesireable/loserish. It IS important as hell though, to check people that need it, and put those in their place that could benefit!

      • Animal Example! I once let a Carolina Anole believe that he successfully scared me off of his territory. I really wanted to keep gardening, but he was working So Hard! Bouncing on the leaves! Bobbing his head so rapidly! It was adorable AND he deserved the outcome, he was getting dangerously close and wasn’t giving up. (anole-a green garden lizard who sticks a red neck flap out and bobs his head during mating season)

  • Comedy—similar to the bumble bee zen happiness(tm), comedy is a force of its own. Classic: when someone loses their balance for a second but they’re okay.

    • By the way, i have found that 99% of ALL OF EVERYTHING OF LIFE can be comedic! And ironically, I’ve experienced a “tragic-heavy” life. Though, i doubt that that is ironic, i’m sure they’re totally linked.

  • Music—making it, listening to it, all of it. There isn’t a genre i don’t listen to. My music life began at age four. Then, for high school, i went to an arts magnet school and majored in piano. i play guitar, bass, piano, harmonica, viola, cello, anything with strings. Unfortunately, the one lousy instrument is my own instrument, i cant sing for nothin’! So no fun singer songwriter gigs.

  • Stubbornly “doing it myself” and “learning for myself”

  • Being honest, exposed, and candid, with everyone. it’s what you as a human deserve. its the least you deserve. truth.


    you are Loved & you ARE love.
